
Truestone logo
Fibre optics carrying data passing through electronic circuit boards, close up

Superior Lifecycle Solutions

From requirements and design to operations, logistics and support, customers come to Truestone because we’ve earned their trust at every stage of the lifecycle for complex systems and networks.



Truestone and its sister companies have served all 2,044 U.S. Coast Guard shore units.



We provide C&A support to 19 major USCG Command, Control, Communications Engineering Center systems.



Our staff has decades of experience earned in the ranks of the military and the private sector, ensuring we understand our customers’ needs within the greater operational picture.

Systems Engineering

From aging legacy systems and networks to cutting edge integrated voice communications networks (IVCN), Truestone safeguards American maritime forces’ C4ISR needs.


Through our 2,000 square foot Interior Communications lab and 1,250 square foot Test & Integration Facility (TIF), we increase efficiency and improve installation time for our customers. We fabricate legacy parts, make casualty repairs, and train technicians on system operations. All our systems are designed, tested, and refined at our TIF—only proven, fully operational systems are brought onboard ship or shore installations, leaving nothing to chance.

  • System Acquisition Lifecycle Support
  • Design
  • Development
  • Integration
  • Testing
  • Implementation
  • Operations and Maintenance
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Information Technology

The success of today’s missions rely on easily scalable and secure IT and communications systems that can withstand a complex and evolving threat environment. Truestone is dedicated to meeting these critical obligations while driving streamlined operations, escalating efficiencies, and lowering costs.

  • Cybersecurity
  • TEMPEST Control Plans, Design, Inspection, and Certification
  • Assessment and Authorization (A&A)
  • Threat detection, network vulnerability management and continuous monitoring
  • Configuration Management
  • Data protection and encryption
  • Web and URL filtering
  • Protection services for networks, servers and desktops
  • Disaster Recovery/COOP
  • IT and Communications
  • Complete System Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support
  • Enterprise and network operations
  • Server and systems administration
  • Desktop and work center support
  • Application development and management
  • Telecommunications infrastructure
  • Compliance
  • Mission and business applications, tools, portals, and web services
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Advisory & Assistance Services

Truestone has a proven track record of designing, testing, and integrating key systems, as well as performing Advisory and Assistance Services across the country and in combat commands across the globe. Our solutions are designed so new products and releases fit seamlessly into legacies, protecting our customers’ investments.

  • Subject Matter Experts (SME)
  • Enterprise architecture
  • Tech insertion training, including while underway
  • Requirements development
  • Engineering analysis and applied technology
  • Analysis of Alternatives
  • Research and Development
  • Independent Verification and Validation
  • Technology insertion
  • Acquisition program support
  • Operations and Intelligence support
  • Program management
  • Budget and Financial analysis
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Company Information

codes & numbers

  • UEI Number: F8Q6Q81LJW84
  • DUNS Number: 141087416
  • CAGE Code: 3NBM3
  • Primary NAICS: 517121 – Telecommunications Resellers

For additional NAICS codes, please visit


ISO 9001:2015

We are committed to quality and continuous improvement (QSR-1140; Held at 2553 Dulles View Dr., Suite 700, Herndon, VA 20171).


Interested in doing business with Truestone?

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Contract Vehicles

Truestone provides streamlined access to services through a wide variety of contract vehicles including RS3. Learn more.

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Team with Us

Are you looking for an experienced partner for an upcoming pursuit? Truestone welcomes teaming opportunities with fellow contractors and technology partners. Contact Us.

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8(a) Direct Awards

We offer customers streamlined procurement solutions through Akima’s portfolio of 8(a) companies, including the option of direct or sole source contracts. Learn more.

Contact Information


Zach Conover

General Manager


6950 Harbour View Boulevard
Suite B
Suffolk, VA 23435


201 Sigma Drive
Suite 210
Summerville, SC 29486


Equal Opportunity Employer

Employment Verification

Employment verification is handled by The Work Number. Please click the link below and use the employer code 19221.

Business Ethics

In instances where you believe violations of policies or standards have occurred, please contact us using the ethics hotline.

Experienced. Flexible. Mission Focused. Discover what the Akima portfolio of companies can do for you.